Monday, June 18, 2007

Cant look at the materials any more

So, I think I have about had my fill of hypo- and hypertension, SA nodes, and bradycardia (heart beat below 60) and thought it would be an opportune time to drop a quick blog and gather myself for one more comb through the material. I have been definitely feeling the "screw it"s this weekend as in, "if I dont know this stuff for the test by now, screw it." I still honestly feel like I am keeping up, but I need to really dedicate myself better to my studies. It is just hard to do when I feel like, between classes, papers, watching online videos, taking online tests, etc, it feels like I already breathe the stuff. The review sessions dont seem to help me either, seemingly just serving as a means to freak me out about all the things I dont know. I just know it is only going to ratchet up in intensity in the coming months and I have to match it with more time with my nose in a book and less time trying to keep a balanced life. That said, when I talk with Tia about class topics, I feel fairly comfortable with the meat and bones of the materials for the most part. My weak areas are the areas that were weak to being with, namely microbiology. It is one thing to say that someone is dealing with a problem needs drug A to get better, it is another thing to think of it in terms of blocking the renin-angiotensin system from operating and what that means at the cellular level. I constantly wonder how this will come into practice and/or how much of it is more or less informative, but that we will not be doctors after all.

Had a fairly lovely weekend. Lots of studying mixed in with it, but overall it was nice. Especially the picnic that Tia and I went on Sunday nite (which was also combined with studying). Speaking of studying (and I think this blog has comprised little else), I need to get back to it. 3 exams this week and two write-ups. The term ends in approximately 3-4 weeks and then we have 4 weeks of clinical prep where the schedule gets much more full.

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