Monday, July 02, 2007

My so called life

Truly, without Tia's insistence, I probably would have nothing near a life. At least she tries to make sure we do something non-school related, even if I sometimes feel guilty at this point for doing anything besides studying, writing papers, or practicing technique. She will be the reason I wont be institutionalized before the winter hits.

I dont have a lot to add in the way of school other than it is really coming up on crunch time. In the next 8 hours, I have a clinical paper due in Pathophysiology and within the next roughly 24 I have a final demo to do (because I misunderstood the instructions and hence signed up late......which is my MO of late, never seeming to get things together on time). The upside is that the demo will be done well before most other people have done their demo, the downside is that I had to (have to) learn 6 system examinations over the past few days and commit them largely to memory. As always, keep em crossed for me.

Outside of school, Tia celebrated her 26th, we went to a new fondue bar called Chocolate (you can imagine the food), and Tia and I are strongly considering the purchase of a new condo (well, new to us). It is another stressor, but will ultimately save a lot of money (mostly because you can buy a condo here for under $74,000) and time (no more lawn work, etc).

I would love to fill in more details, but school beckons.