Thursday, February 21, 2008

Flu Log Day 5

Yep, still sick (insert profanity laced tirade railing against the unfairness of the universe and/or prayer to whatever deity you believe will elicit the most productive response here). I don't have a lot more to add to my initial succinct statement other than I NEED to get better quicker than I am. I have clinical tomorrow, which is predominantly an orientation to the unit, that I will try my damnedest to fight scratch and claw my way through even if I have to wear a Hazmat suit and slather myself in Betadine. After that, hard to say. They aren't going to be squealing with glee to have a walking disease laboratory around immuno-compromised kids battling cancer, but I also don't want to encounter problems finishing up this term because my immune system decided to take Spring Break early. Evidently the prognosis for the flu with someone who already has compromised lungs (asthma, the gift that keeps on giving) puts me on the hook for at least a few more bumpy days before I should be better. So keep your eyes peeled for my next post, "Screw the Nyquil, just get me some Rum."

On the upside, Tia's parents sent me some yummy cookies as a get well present. Thank you very much. Also, a big thank you to Tia for putting up with me 24/7 (she works from home remember).


GoodNubbin said...

Here ya go, buddy.

You can thank me when you move back to PDX.

GoodNubbin said...

GoodNubbin said...

Looking for a new post here, Brian.
