Saturday, June 28, 2008

Addition by subtraction (ode to a gall bladder)

The votes have been tallied and the results are in...........I don't have eosinophilic esophagitis. But, before I hire a clown and a pony, I am not in the clear as yet. The doctor suggested that I do have a teensy problem: gallstones. I am to consult with a surgeon to discuss my options, with the most likely event occurring being the removal of my gall bladder. Fortunately, the gall bladder is considered non-essential (kind of like paparazzi, the Golf channel, and Paris Hilton) and the surgery is pretty routine. I actually watched one during a surgical rotation which seemed relatively benign. With some Versed, I doubt I will even much care.

The odd thing is that the typical risk factors are not remotely related to me even in a second cousins twice removed sort of way. they include the following:
  • women—especially women who are pregnant, use hormone replacement therapy, or take birth control pills - Still stand when I pee, so this is out
  • people over age 60 - not unless we are counting in months
  • American Indians - I am the WHITEST person I know
  • Mexican Americans - see above
  • overweight or obese men and women - I'll admit to a daliance above the recommended BMI, but I wasn't the headless body you see on stock news footage about the overweight
  • people who fast or lose a lot of weight quickly - not until after I had problems
  • people with a family history of gallstones - gotta get out the family medical tree to check that
  • people with diabetes - not so much
  • people who take cholesterol-lowering drugs - again, not me
So, I have anywhere from 0 to 0.2 risk factors and yet am afflicted. I am a medical marvel that way. Of course, I know that risk factors are just that, factors. They only mean that it is more likely to occur with these conditions present. At least there is a direction to move towards. In the meantime, I will post more when I know more.

I had a job interview yesterday. Kind of spur of the moment. Dropped off the application Thursday afternoon and had an interview on Friday afternoon. Wouldn't it be nice if it always happened that way? Hell, even Blockbuster video usually takes a few weeks. I didn't get the job........but I also didn't not get the job. I am assuming they are interested since they asked for my references. Akin to asking for a second date. Why bother unless you wanted to see the person again? It is a general medical/surgical position at Willamette Falls hospital in Oregon City. Would be nights and 8-hour shifts (think 11p-7a). As always, more info here when I learn more.

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