Tuesday, July 22, 2008


I finally made a decision on Friday, and decided that I would prefer to work at a smaller hospital with less acuity and a more communal (hopefully) feel. Plus, it was closer and, much to my shock since I had been led to believe otherwise, it paid more. I was aided on this decision mostly by my mother-in-law who (and is this kismet?) happened to speak to a nurse that not only worked for the hospital I chose (Willamette Falls), but also used to work for the one I did not opt for (Salem). Her opinion was that WF was the better choice and the better environment. Of course, as the saying goes, "opinions are like assholes, everyone has one." So, her opinion could be biased (maybe she got fired from Salem or found it overwhelming) or it could be objective (maybe WF is truly superior), but either way it was incredibly fortuitous and definitely tipped the scales.

I went and filled out background check info on Wednesday. Peed in a cup on Friday (and then proceeded to get ridiculously sloshed at a happy hour). Got called on Monday to come in Tuesday (today). Start work on Thursday. Will be freaking out tomorrow most likely (right after I buy some scrubs that is, since I have only two pair of pants presently).

The hospital's orientation is unlike any that I have seen. It is not structured in a linear manner. Typically there is an orientation to the hospital for a few days followed by a unit orientation followed by a going to the floor. At WF, I will spend Thursday shadowing on the floor, Friday I do a hospital training, and then Monday I am back on the floor. I spend most of the next 8 weeks on the unit, with a few days sprinkled in of hospital orientation and nursing orientation. Time to knock of the rust and put on a good show. Hope I'm not supposed to actually 'know' much :)

I will write more as I know more (and if my laptop can be brought back from the dead). In the meantime, wish me luck. I am wishing the same for all my cohorts who are starting out as well.

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