Saturday, August 23, 2008


Work is getting into a routine of sorts, though that isn't to say I know how to do some of the finer things as yet. Patient history - check. Vitals - check. Injections - check. ID testing -check. Blood draws - inc. Billing - inc. Epinephrine injections - check. Solu-medrol - ? Blood workups - ? etc etc. Actually, routine probably isn't wholly accurate representation of my days as it conveys some semblance of repetition, which there are aspects of, but two patients are never alike, so no day is exactly the same as the one preceding it. I have seen now a few anaphylactic reactions to food challenges. I have seen an irate customer raging about how the front desk staff was treating him. I have seen patients whose pathos lies largely between their ears and not in any tangible sense. I have seen others who have horrid symptoms and the most positive outlook imaginable. It is the kind of care I like though: patient in/patient out.

A typical day begins with my arrival followed shortly thereafter by setting up the ID testing syringes, and then starting to take patients back. At some point, lunch happens (though it is often truncated, which at least isn't time deducted), and then a steady stream of patients continue to filter through until, miraculously, there aren't anymore. Then it is time to go through all the charts and fill out billing sheets and the like, tidy up, and finally head home. Lately, most days have run in the 10+ hour range, but only three of those such days exist in a given week. The other 2 days are typically around 5 hours apiece (though one begins at 6:45am, which is tantamount to waterboarding as far as I am concerned).

I will leave you with two blogs that I think are hilarious. Take a peek. Great time wasters:

1 comment:

GoodNubbin said...

Seriously, are you ever going to update your blog again?