Thursday, May 28, 2009

To buy or not to buy, that is the question

Though at the moment, the answer is not to buy. Of course, that is subject to change.........weekly perhaps. The summer is a hard time NOT to want to purchase something. To have a yard to hang out in, a garden to root around in, and space to spread out and soak up the sun's rays in private. Its the best way to enjoy all the wonderful things about a Portland summer. Mind you, that summer is, in the scheme of things, relatively brief. The remainder of the year the idea of a yard to maintain in the steady drizzling rain under the dead sky of winter is not at all appealing. So, looking for houses in the summer is the equivalent of beer goggles as far as I am concerned. Unfortunately sobriety doesnt happen the next AM, but rather months later after you are locked in for 30 years.

Other than the constant flip-flopping on housing, not much of note has occurred. Work is starting to smooth out. It is now down to just a few rough patches a day instead of the off-roading feeling it was before. The phone calls still flummox me and there are patient situations that I have no earthly idea how to manage, but mostly I am holding it together and seem to be progressing. I definitely feel fortunate to have landed somewhere that seems fairly stable........though I very much enjoyed my position with the clinic.

Been reading a lot of late, having stumbled upon a series of enjoyable new books. Just finished Lost on Plant China which was another great travel journal by Mr. Troost. I highly recommend his other books as well. I can say, with absolute certainty, that I am forever cured of wanting to visit China after reading this book. Also read Into Thin Air by Jon Krakuer that was fantastic. His personal accounts of the Everest disaster were simply amazing and he boasts a spectacular command of the language. His other books, such as Into the Wild, are also worthly reads. My next forays are back into my geek books, so I will spare anyone those recommendations.

I suppose I should collect myself and actually go out and enjoy the sun.........but lying here staring at it through the window for the time being is compelling in its own right. Such are the difficult decisions one has to make when you have a day off to yourself. Sometimes its nice to just feel content.............that is, until we see another house we want to buy :)


Anonymous said...

Go check out The Road by Cormac McCarthy. And the Name of the Wind. Good summer fodder.


Unknown said...

Read the Road and really liked it, though it was bleak throughout and ended much the same way.

Rose City Mama said...

I think in today's market, unless you are planning on staying put for at least 5-7 years, it may not be worth it to buy a home right now. If you want to own for the freedom aspect of being able to remodel, paint, etc & to enjoy the yard, then maybe consider it. If we didn't have Sebastian, I think we would be renting a nice place in the pearl. Good luck on whichever route you choose!

Anonymous said...

Update, update, update your blog man!


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Anonymous said...

Hello. And Bye.