Well, it would appear that sometimes abdominal pain is something more than it initially appears.
On Monday night, I got home from work feeling the barest hints of general unpleasantness in my abdomen. It wasn't until after dinner that I really started to feel more significant discomfort. I thought, of course, that dinner just didn't agree with me. I went to bed without the pain abating, but figuring I would be all right the next morning. I was not.
Tuesday my pain was worse. I tried some pepto and some chew-able antacids, still locked into the idea that this was just some passing unpleasantness. I even managed to drag myself into work to see my afternoon patients after calling out for the morning. Only, after I got there, I promptly threw up. But, I figured I would save my sick hours and drag myself through the 5 hours in the clinic that I was needed. And, dammit, I did manage at least that.
Once I got home, the pain started to intensify and shift from above the belly button to the right lower quadrant. After going back and forth about what to do, Tia suggested a call to the advice line. It took nearly 45 minutes to get through, but once I did I was quickly patched through to the on call doctor who suggested I head in to the ED to get looked at. Reluctantly we went in at about 8pm, though I was still fairly convinced that I would be heading home in a few hours with some Percoset and instructions to call in for an appointment with my primary doc if the pain didn't dissipate. After being taken quickly back, they did some blood work and a urinalysis and we waited......for little more than an hour in a tiny room with little to do. From there, it turns out that my tests were all within normal limits except for my white blood count, which was very elevated (they fight infection). It was at this point that worry started to finally creep in.
We were sent back to a more permanent ER room, where I was given an IV, fluids, anti-nausea medication, and pain medication and they debated whether or not to have me drink contrast (awful stuff that) and do a CT scan or just perform surgery. The surgeon arrived in the room at about 1115, and after a few quick prods to the abdomen and some cursory questions, the symptoms were clear cut enough to not need to bother with the scan. Evidently my appendix needed to go.
They wheeled me into surgery around 12:15 (as best as I can recall) and, the next thing I remember, I was coming to in the recovery room. I was wheeled into my overnight room immediately thereafter around 3am and Tia finally was able to go get some sleep (more than I can say for myself really with hourly vitals and a new roomate that arrived around 530 that morning). I spent the rest of the day hanging out, getting pain meds, and nodding off with the least provocation. My mom stopped by and Diane called and finally Tia came by after work. They decided that I could be discharged if I felt up for it........something I really wanted to do. That also took more than a few hours. But, considering everything, it was just a hair over 24 hours from my arrival to the ED to my heading back home, which is quite impressive. And, aside from vomiting on the drive home, I am doing all right (well, plus the incredible abdominal pain from the surgery which was complicated by the appendix being inflamed and hidden somewhat and the general aches and pains related to said surgery).
I don't know if there is a moral to this story..........but if a doc suggests you head into the ED, just go. I am certainly glad I did or the situation could have been much worse.
1 comment:
Hey, now that is a creative way to lose some weight!
Take a lot of drugs and watch some Netflix!
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