Thursday, October 14, 2010

NoHo and assholes and assholes and lawsuits oh my

Tia and I decided to head out to NoHo's cafe last nite after neither one of us felt like doing much cooking. This was of course a Groupon outing (as are most of our outings of late). NoHos is a Hawaiian food eatery and, if you are unfamiliar with plate food, it is all pretty similar: pork/beef/chicken/fish (or a combination thereof) marinated in Korean or Japanese flavoring alongside 2 scoops of white sticky rice and 1 scoop of macaroni salad. Vegetables are decorative if they exist at all. Oh yeah, and the meat is usually served by the metric ton. NoHos does this as well as anyone I suppose, but no better. And, since they charge about 50% more than the place right up the street from us, it is unlikely we will be back. The only difference is the place by us is outdoor eating predominantly and looks like a converted gas station......only marginally less visually appealing than the interior of Nohos though, which has not taken any great pains. Overall, we left full, the flavors were good, and the meat was plentiful.......but it is no less or no more than I would have felt at any number of eateries serving the exact same fare.

As for assholes, that goes out to whoever in our building had the party that evidently necessitated an angry letter to all of us from ownership. Now, I can't say I even heard this party or had any experience dealing with the obnoxious behaviors listed in it, but really? I mean, I expect the kind of drunk dorm room behavior in the low rent places where 3 college guys are splitting an $800 rent payment between them, but it is weird to think the douchebags live among us (though I have seen them in the halls........they all wear the same clothes so they are easy to spot in the wild with backwards baseball caps, at least one if not both ears pierced, a silver chain, and cars with some kind of homemade looking aftermarket spoiler). Ah well, the good news is they did come down hard on them.........I suspect it won't be happening again anytime soon.

As for lawsuits.........well, none really. But, since Tia did break her ankle on the cruise ship, I can dream of a large lump cash settlement from the cruise line can't I? Ah, if only I was a sleazebag.

Work has been ramping up of late...........cold season is upon us. If I am not fielding calls about colds, it is reactions from the flu shots themselves (which I am 90% certain are psychosomatic). Had security in to escort another patient out yesterday. Will be a few crazies when you have 19K patients. Keeps it exciting!

Speaking of work, I probably should eat something and clean up a bit before I have to go there. Thank god for one short day a week. It is the tendril that helps loosely bind my sanity at this point.

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