Saturday, May 05, 2012

Fixing things

There is nothing quite like home ownership to teach you how to fix things.  Home ownership + the internet + hardware store = weekend.

This past weekend, we learned all that we could possibly want or need to know about fixing windows including new terms (to me anyway) like balances and sashes.  But, after a bit of searching, we fixed a window that had been broken since we moved in with about 10 minutes of work.  Then, while Tia was away, I 'Ikea hacked' some Besta furniture and made some custom benches for our former dining area.  With the application of some better structural supports and outdoor bench cushions, we now have an awesome window seat with great underneath storage that looks like a built in.  Now this weekend our dryer stopped working and, after some more searching, we took the whole damn thing apart and tested the door switch, the thermal fuse, and the starter....all of which of course worked upon testing.  Then I put it all back together and, somehow, it worked.  I don't know if this counts as 'fixing' it, but Tia's logic is that it didn't work before and it does now, so it counts.  At the very least I now know how to take a dryer apart.  

We also managed to divest ourselves of some garage clutter.  If you have some garage clutter, follow these simple steps: 1. Put item on CL under 'free'.  2. Await responses......lots of them.  3. Get rid of clutter.  Truly one person'a trash is another person's treasure (and in our case, most of said trash was left in the garage when we moved here).   Eventually, with a little luck, time, and effort we may have an organized garage space...a manicured back yard that cultivates actual food...a complete nursery...and a more usable kitchen.  Now if we could just find a little extra time to work on all these things.

No changes at work.  Some rumors circulating about a possible new director coming in from Colorado, but it is hard to say if there is any truth behind it.  Typically it is little more than talk and certainly there is nothing substantiating it.  We shall see.

Speaking of running around, perhaps some food would be a good idea.  Now if we could just find the time to make that happen.

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