Monday, May 21, 2012

Little Talks

It is a curious thing writing a blog.  It serves both as a window (however draped) into my life and my muddled thoughts and as a diary of sorts for me to look back on and remember more acutely and possibly more accurately, the events that have led to this point in time.  It can also be hard to come up with topics to discuss when life can at times prove fairly rote and, dare I say it, ordinary.  This isn’t a bad thing for the purposes of actual life, as no one really wants to whipsaw from crisis to crisis, but it can make it hard to document without a degree of tedium shrouding every word.  

While I think it fascinating that we have put together an actual garden with actual growing things in it, it doesn’t exactly lend itself to the written page.  While I feel accomplished every time I put together something that works well for our house (our new bench!) or fix things, it translates poorly here.  Hence, the general lack of new text appearing on this site.  

Speaking of tedium, work remains remarkably staid.  Still little to no help here in the clinic and, conversely, they seem to have little need of my assistance in the hospital.  So, when the load is light, I am left largely to myself.  Plus, now that wound care is no longer here, I am literally by myself.  I suppose I ought not complain about being paid for being available to work rather than actually working, I can’t help but feel like I would just as soon be sent home so that I can be productive doing something else.  That said, I suppose we need the money more now than we need the lawn looking especially well tended and, much as I would like to have them done, there are few things on the to-do list that can’t stand to wait another day or week or month.  Plus, these are the kind of days that make up for the ones that you barely get lunch and never get your breaks. 

The rumor mill continues to grind the grist of a dozen conjectures.  They are interviewing someone from Colorado!  They have hired someone already!  They have 3 viable candidates!  They have no viable candidates!  We will have a director soon!  They are going to hire a manager instead!  They are going to hire both!  And on and on they go.  As with all else, I will post when events warrant.  Until then, assume like I do that nothing is in the offing...and you will most likely be correct. 

Tia continues to have her sleep troubles.  It has got to be infuriating knowing that it is just the beginning of such occurrences.  Some people say it is the body preparing for the lack of sleep to come.  But, if I knew I was going to be fasting tomorrow, you can be sure I would eat as much as possible tonight.  I would think the body would do the same.  All I know is that I feel badly for her.  On little sleep, I am clumsy, grouchy, and overall brain addled.  It is like, well, like most Mondays really.  

Not much else to report upon, so I will leave you (and me) with my current go to song:

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