Tuesday, July 03, 2012

One more month

Despite it seeming like it is taking a LONG time to arrive, the countdown to the kiddo is progressing along as it should.  It wasn’t without a bit of internal terror that I realized, OMG its July!  Tonight we have our antepenultimate baby class which culminates on the 9th, and Tia has her personal and work baby showers over the course of the next week.  Then it is pretty much time to pack an overnight bag and wait for the kiddo to decide he is ready to come out and say hello. 

It is weird the things you think about/forget about with a baby coming.  For instance, the other day I thought that we really should plan our fall/winter vacation so we have something to look forward to when the winter comes and then, very shortly thereafter, I remembered that we would have a newborn and caring for him might preclude a sunny jaunt down to Mexico.  This will clearly take some getting used to.  

Not much else new to report since my last post.  Just plowing through the list of items we are hoping to have completed by the time baby comes if only because it seems unlikely we will have the time, energy, or mental capacity to undertake them once he arrives.  To that end, we finished up the stairwell painting (a pretty amazing feet considering the height of the wall above the stairs), got the garden and weeding mostly under control (the latter is a losing battle, but I continue to soldier on so our yard doesn’t look like, well, our neighbor’s yard honestly).   We have so far gotten a pretty good yield of salad greens, scallions, and zucchini, though our beets are not looking too hot, our carrots are mostly pretty miniature, and our tomatoes have grown gigantic but are not yet ripening.  This will be a good learning experience going into the next summer (like don’t plant zucchini near ANYTHING else…..it gets way too large) and it has proven pretty enjoyable/cathartic.  Plus, next year, I won’t have to haul back 100 wheelbarrow’s full of dirt!  

Just waiting on my last patient.  I won’t say anything about her (lest I violate HIPPA) but she is funded by the Oregon Health Plan.  I mention this because she was upset the other day about the Supreme Court saying that Obamacare (or whatever you want to call it) was legal and could move forward.  I don’t know the specific details of the plan, so I cannot say with any certainty that it going to be a panacea for the health care system or an albatross, but I believe it represents an important step forward.  I say this having seen so many people without health care come through the hospital who would have benefitted from access to preventative health care, but use the ER instead because they cannot be refused treatment (at that point, they are usually in a much worse position).  But, I find it ironic that someone who only has health care because of a publicly funded option (and in my opinion abuses it), is opposed to health care as a publicly funded option for everyone else.  I just really hope she can’t (or at least doesn’t) vote.  

Off to baby class.  

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