Friday, July 20, 2012


I remember when I used to watch Jeopardy they often had Potpourri as a category, which was kind of a mishmash of random non-thematic questions.  I figured it was a good title for a mishmash of random odds and bits.  Unfortunately, my ability to string together cohesion on the amount of sleep I have been getting is low.  So, potpourri it is.

-  I used to understand time differently.  There was morning, noon, and night.  There was breakfast, lunchtime, and dinner time.  There was bed time.  Now, of course, I only know two kinds of time and will for at least a little while.  Feeding time and the time until the next feeding.  It is exhausting and disorienting.  Days kind of blur together, the edges no longer solidified in any meaningful way.  Even when we are out, it is hard to remember how long it has been since we got home and how old Quinn is now.  Still, after our doc apt today (the third since discharge) when we got the results that he is doing well, gaining weight, and all feels worthwhile.  Amazing when I think back to a little more than a week ago we were feeding him with a 1mL insulin syringe.  

-  I realize I haven't had the chance to post since we got home.  We stayed in the hospital until Thursday and thankfully we had Tia's baby shower the day Quinn was born where we got a lot of the things we ended up needing.  Tia's workmates also chipped in to get us a car seat and her boss was kind enough to deliver it so we could bring the little guy home.  We definitely were not ready just yet.  Had he waited just one more week, we would have gotten there.  Oh well, gotta roll with the punches.  Quinn didn't give us much choice.

-  We have officially survived one week on our own.  Tia and I have been working very well together, trying to balance the roles and our efforts.  Giving each other time when we need to.  It doesn't make it easy, but it makes it doable.  How people do this on their own is beyond me.  I would be a mess.  And this with a little one who really doesn't cry of fuss much at all without a very distinct reason (hungry, wet, or pick me up seem to be the three reasons).  That said, we have both been christened with spit up and urine.  It is a learning curve.

-  People have been asking how our cats are dealing with the new addition.  Well, as you can see from the pic, pretty well.  They really do not care.  At all.  I think they might even like it because we are home so much more than before.  They might not get the focused attention they used to, but they certainly get it in more total volume.

-  I heard from my supervisor today (one of the 2 charges at my hospital site) and she is evidently moving on to work for our old boss in Labor & Delivery.  She leaves the Friday prior to my return.  Will be a huge hole to fill.  She had her flaws (we all do), but was honestly a nice person, easy to work with, and exceptionally skilled.  Will definitely miss her.

-  As for my own job saga, I am hearing rumors the Park gig is mine and there are certainly allusions indicating it as such, but I am certainly not overflowing with confidence about it.  Until I get an official offer, I can't count on it.  However, life will be a WHOLE lot easier once that happens.  Will be a crazily fortuitous turn of events.  Keep em crossed for me.  

-  Bought a new car today.  It was a fairly typical experience......meaning not wonderful.  Thankfully, Tia is a hard ass negotiator and I am getting there as well.  I certainly have no more tolerance for bullshit, something car dealers have excesses of.  We ended up getting a Kia Forte EX hatchback.  It is a really nice car for the price.  When you are looking for a car around $15K, you certainly don't expect blue tooth, USB & I-pod connectivity, steering wheel mounted controls, and a decently peppy ride to boot.  Our big goals were high gas mileage (check: 27/36), enough room for a car seat (yep), and some utility (hatchback).  I think we hit them all.

We started the process test driving a used 2012 model with 15K for about $15K (14,900).  It was really nice and fit our goals, but I looked at the paper and they were selling new sedan models at another dealership (Broadway Kia) for $14,721.  It wasn't the color/interior we wanted, but it would have a more robust warranty and it costs less.  We took this back to Dick Hannah to try to negotiate on the used model.  They wouldn't budge and refused to believe the price (it was in an ad in the Oregonian with specific vin numbers).  We then went through an overlong process of looking at, and ultimately not finding common ground on at Hyundai Elantra (they wanted north of $17,500).  We went home and Tia called Tonkin in Gladstone.  They said they could do the sedan for $14,700 to earn our business (turned out to be $14,799 by the way).  They also had a hatchback for "$600-$800 more."   Well, we got there and decided we preferred the hatch, they came back with a price of $16,900.  I pointed out that, MSRP, it is $500 for a hatchback over the sedan (evidently news to the salesperson) and we went and looked at the MSRPs.  Back to the manager.  New quote: $15,900.  Below invoice (even with holdbacks, but that doesnt count kickbacks for volume plus their need to move 2012 models).  Still a no.  We finally agree on just shy of $15,600.

Then we go to sign the papers, and the internet is down.  Quinn is starting to fuss.  They go across the street to print them out.  We go to sign and, surprise surprise, they (for our convenience) added an extended warranty (beyond the 5/60K bumper to bumper and 10/100K powertrain that is standard) for $2400 and gap coverage for another $500.  We decline.  They try to negotiate it with us (what about $500 for the extended warranty instead?").  Not happening.  Also, no on the gap since we are financing far less than the car is worth, gap coverage is UTTERLY pointless and something you can get (if you want/need it) from your own insurance company for a LOT less.  Then they try to sell us a package of oil changes (20 for $249) because "you need to change the oil every 3000-3500 miles."  I point out that the manual states every 7500 miles and that no new car requires it more than every 5000 miles and there is no point in prepaying for oil changes until the car has 150,000 miles on it.  He tries to tell me that Oregon falls under 'extreme weather' so you can't wait 7500 miles.  I point out that is ridiculous and utterly untrue as we have no extreme heat nor cold here and I am going to guess that Kia (who makes the effing car) knows more than he does.  He then tries to explain it further to me because I am "not understanding" what he is saying.  I want to punch him.  We then have to wait for new paperwork that removes all the crap we didn't want, ask for, nor have explained/offered to us and finally leave with the car at the price we agreed upon.  This is why buying cars sucks.

Addendum: Got a call from the dealership today.  Evidently they cannot combine one of the incentives with the 2.9% rate.........and instead will need to revise to a 3.9% rate.  After a few calls (and threats on our part to just give the damn car back) they agreed to further reduce the price to mitigate the difference.  They are also driving out to us to sign the paperwork since the dealership is in Gladstone.  I hate car buying!  

But, yay for a healthy baby boy! :)

1 comment:

Lesa Pinker said...

Welcome to parenthood BK! The babe is adorable, and I'm glad to hear he's doing well!