Sunday, April 13, 2008

A whole lotta nothing

I continue to be a little disappointed and extremely pleased that there has been little of note to write about of late. With nothing to report on the upshot is that nothing bad is happening with school or life in general. The downside is nothing particularly exciting or positive is happening either. I will take the peace, because a storm is on the horizon with so much going on from the end of April until I find employment in field.

My time has mostly been spent tying up group projects, selling all manner of worldly possessions, and practicing test questions for the dreaded NCLEX. I am upset at how little it seems I know, and mollified somewhat by how that dearth of knowledge is mirrored by everyone else in the program. Surely, if everyone else jumps off a cliff, you don't want to necessarily follow......but its nice to know that if you do jump, you have plenty of company on the way down.

I am not earnestly worried as yet. I feel comfortable enough in practice (which is the most important part by my measure) and have plenty of time to acquire the assorted bric-a-brac of knowledge NCLEX seems to value. The most difficult part is learning to read within the questions as they seem determined to test not just on your depth and breadth of knowledge, but also on your ability to parse out meaning from the query itself. The national pass rate is 85% on the first shot, so I think I will be A-OK.

Other than what lies in the paragraphs above, there is little to report upon. I will of course be the first to tell you here if anything does.

1 comment:

GoodNubbin said...

I demand more news of your life! You should make stuff up.
