Sunday, September 21, 2008

It has been awhile

I have been having the most difficult time writing lately. Is writer's constipation coined as yet? If not I would like to do so now. I find myself often sitting down to start writing and then drift off to something else. Or, worse yet, I stare at the blank screen straining to think of anything to write and then quickly stumble off into incoherence. Its tough when life is just life, and not some interesting set of new adventures. Common travails don't often make the best blog fodder.

Speaking of life, I am maintaining my equilibrium. Work continues well, though I remain just on the cusp of the long learning curve. Every time I think I master some skill or idea, another one pops up. But, the positivity of the workplace makes it easy to digest. Plus, now my former classmate and current friend Kelly is joining me amongst the ranks of the allergy and asthma employed. It will be fun learning alongside of her.

Tia and I still hem and haw about our living situation, vacillating between remaining renters and owning our own place. Of course, it isn't that we can afford to make that big a change in our situations (and aren't willing to put ourselves in that position when the housing market is less stable than a two-legged chair), so we are talking condo/townhome not stand alone home. So, we won't necessarily escape the very things that make apartment living less than desirable necessarily such as hearing your neighbors television/footsteps/conversations. However, there is something to be said for ownership, even if it is only a tax write-off. Tough call.

The most difficult thing about deciding on a place is that we cannot afford to live in the location that we would ideally like to live. Wilsonville has been nothing if not pleasant, but it isn't exactly near to anything except Wilsonville. The idea of moving into another apartment, even though it may be approximately nearer to our respective jobs isn't appealing either. Whats the point unless we are patently unhappy and we aren't. Just kind of unsatisfied.

I am proud to annouce that I ran my first 5K today. The Race for the Cure Portland. A history of asthma has frequently made the idea of 500 yards daunting, so I was not exactly optomistic about my ability to run it. I cannot say that I was an unabashed success, but I did run the first 2 miles and then the last half or better and finished well under the time limit that I had mentally established pre-race. Now I will need to soak my legs for the next few nights and get a lung transplant, but other than that I feel great!

Have been watching the show Weeds lately.......catching up on it really. Not sure what to think of it. It has definitely changed wildly in tone through the first 2+ seasons. It is entertaining for sure........but in a scattershot sort of manner.

I should really sketch out some ideas before I start typing......I swear I had a grander vision for the post, but if I don't publish it now, god knows when I will. I hope everyone out there is well.


GoodNubbin said...

Bad news buddy. Unfortunately, Weeds, Season 3+ goes down hill really fast. Check out Freaks and Geeks. It's been great!

Miss ya, we needs to gets togethers!

tatyana said...

You should check out Mad Men on AMC, it's very well written. Good show.

Tia said...

Josh, we are 2/3 through with Season 3, and we totally agree with you! It is so out there now. I watched Freaks and Geeks when it was on TV, and I loved it!

Anonymous said...

Rock on! And Tia, if you have access to Netflix and you like some history or politics, John Adams is easily the best show I have seen this year. Unbelievably good.