I have never really taken a lot of pride in my work. I think I work well with others, I actively try not to stir up trouble or engage in much slagging of co-workers or organizational structures, and do what I am supposed to do without the need of constant supervision. In most ways I am a pretty good employee. But, mostly I just see work as a means to an end. I work so I can afford to live and, hopefully, do some fun stuff along the way. If this job proves tolerable and pays reasonably well, all the better.
So, it is with some degree of reservation that I must admit that I am getting rather, well, good at what I do. I might even be taking a measure of pride in it. I am not sure what to think about that though. Is it a sign of a latent 'grown-up phase' or of a mental imbalance? All that is certain is that generally around this point I start scrambling for a way out.
Instead, I am trying to start to take ownership of my job. With that comes a litany of holy-crapitude like taking on additional responsibilities, coming in early certain days to make sure I, and the clinic, are ready for a 9 am patient, and worrying about things if I am out for a day. It is kind of freaking me out honestly. Maybe it is a mental imbalance after all. More to come as events warrant as always on that front.
Who would have thought that I would actually enjoy running? Well, enjoy might be an overstatement. I enjoy eating fried things, taking long weekend naps, and reading.........running is definitely a level below, but I still like it. It feels like, well like accomplishing something. I might even feel 'good' afterwards and feel less than that on days we don't run. I think the mental imbalance argument is picking up steam.
Home Ownership
Whoa! Today it is finally 'official' with all the 'I's dotted and 'T's finally crossed. True, it won't be for another week and some odd days before we actually move in...........but it will happen at this point. I am both incredibly excited to have a place to spread out, personalize, and relax in/work on and incredibly freaked out by the idea of mortgage payments, taxes, and upkeep repairs. It truly feels unreal at this point considering how long ago it was that we had our inspection and made all the original agreements. Even seeing it a few days ago with our Realtor was bizarrely like seeing it for the first time............as we had either not noticed or forgotten so many of its details. Now we just have to hope all the loose ends come together for moving in........oh yeah, and pack. We need to do that too.
So, in summary, I am starting to feel some actual pride in my work, I am enjoying running outside, and am excited to take on a 30 year mortgage (at least for the time being). Yup, time for intense therapy. No question about it.
Haw haw! Your blog is therapy man! Good seeing you and Tia on Saturday too. We had a blast!
Aww Bryan is all grown up…sniff sniff….. =)
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