Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Living on East Coast time

I love to travel. I also hate the actual traveling portion of that equation. I know many other people agree. You have to go through a ridiculous amount of security, you spend hours on layovers, the seating is cramped, they barely bother to entertain you en route and you no longer get even the barest semblance of food (though they have oddly reverted to giving out full cans of beverages), and due to the baggage fees now everyone is trying to carry on an egregious amount of baggage (which also means you are screwed if you aren't an early boarder). Overall it is a joyless experience for something that is, when you think about it, pretty freaking amazing. I mean, for all the misery, you are still being put aloft at over 6 miles up in a heavy steel winged tube with hundreds of other passengers and able to travel thousands of miles in a matter of hours. So, while I may complain, it beats the hell out of driving it.

Coming back has been a bit of a shock to the system. Work was honestly better than I expected with a couple light days and a not overly abundant amount of notes and leftover new orders to deal with. It is mostly the time change (I keep wanting to go to bed around 8 or 9 and waking up well before the alarm clock) and the weather change (the sun stayed back East evidently). So, weirdly, though I know it has more to do with the time of year and being on vacation, I can't help but kind of miss Florida just a little bit. I am sure visiting again in the midst of July would cure that quickly, but the winters sure beat the hell out of the ones here. If I could just figure out a way to snowbird.

Speaking of crazy dreams, Tia just turned me on to a new blog that looks pretty interesting. It is a Portland couple who are working on amassing funds, eliminating debt, and pursuing their shared dreams of quitting their cubicle dwelling gigs to take a year to travel the world. Fascinating stuff. I told Tia it was to her peril to have introduced me to the idea. Like pouring gasoline on the flame of my wanderlust. hmmmmm.

So Many Places


Anonymous said...

Here's another PDX blog you and she might like: www.getrichslowly.org

Some is good advice, some not so much, but overall their overall monetary philosophy seems to match you and me.

Welcome home, dude!

Unknown said...

I will check it out J. Thanks for the welcome back to the NW. I will be in touch soon.