Thursday, December 08, 2011

the interview/work as usual

The interview with KP was, well, long. It was a four person panel interview that entailed a round robin of questions from a 2 page long (front and back) worksheet of sorts that they asked questions off of and, presumably, rated my answers. The questions varied from the inane basics of patient care to questions more obtuse and much much more specific in nature. I am not sure how well I did, nor what it means if I did particularly well. I know they are planning on making a decision next week and, should I be selected, it remains unclear on whether or not I would accept. I would certainly consider it though, especially after another day like today.

Nothing unusual about today really...just the perpetual schizophrenic nature of the job. To try to distill down the hours of meetings, might prove less than revealing, but the idea is that I need to schedule more patients and schedule them in a more condensed way somehow. I need to do this despite having no actual patients to schedule, on account of us always being closed, never having adequate staffing, and being nearly invisible to most clinics who might otherwise refer to us. We plan to solve this issue by wishing it were different I guess. Will it actually ever be different? The magic 8 ball says to 'ask again later'.

Oh yeah, and we will be closed tomorrow so I can help at the Park again. Bah!

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