Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Who is Quinn anyway?

I want to write a blog post.  But this, I am finding, is not the easies thing to do.  It is a simple equation that has to be in place for it to happen:
Subject + time + motivation = post 
I seem to be frequently lacking one of the three ingredients.  Sometimes two.  Sometimes all of them. 
Right now I have two of them, but am lacking 'subject' portion.  Hence the hedging.  I thought I might write about what Q is up to.  Then I thought, what is he up to anyway? 
Well, he is using more and more words.  Tia spent some time recording them, but now that seems quaint.  He seems to discover a new word a day.  It is interesting what sticks and what doesn't though.  He knows mommy, daddy, his friends Mona and Faye, but seems to never utter the name of our nanny who he spends considerable time with.  He can reliably point out airplanes, find rainbows, locate nearly all his body parts, and blow kisses, but can't remember where his nose is.  
He has grown incredibly mischevious, although mostly in adorable ways.  He almost always precedes his acts with a wry smile and direct eye contact before locating a belly button, tickling toes, draining the water out of his bath (repeatedly) or rifling through every cabinet without a lock. 
He fully understands how to play with the cats via their cat toys, but reliably gows bored with this in short order and turns them into swatting sticks (never underestimate the casual cruelty of children......they just don't understand causation). 
He is filling up his upper gums with teeth, but manages just the pair on the bottom. 
He still loves hats of all kinds and would rather wrestle on the mattress than just about anything else. 
He shows his affection through very deliberate (and very gentle) head bonks, which he will reliably dole out upon request. 
He loves to dance. 
He is tempermental. 
He is excedingly clever. 
He hates to be ignored, even if it just for a few minutes and was doing something on his own anyway. 
He loves to be outside.  He would prefer to be outside naked.  
He is shy in large groups.  
He laughs easily and often (and infectiously).  
He loves cereal in the morning with his mom.
He loves emptying the diswasher.  
He hates having his diaper changed.  It is like changing a whirlwind.  
He has discovered (much to our dismay) shrieking.  

And he changes a little bit every day.  
As for things that are not changing, work remains the same.  Still no help, but also little interference.  Still no idea when the clinic will pass into other hands nor if I will be around to see it go (of my own volition).  In the interim, just trying to hang on.

Found a new blog I had to share.  So funny. Check it out if you get a chance.  

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