Monday, May 21, 2007

Bunny bummer

So, today is the last day before I officially become a student again. So many thoughts going through my head.........mainly about what to do for dinner at the moment, but there are school thoughts right behind those. I am honestly doing my best to not think about it much at all. Trying to make tomorrow like the moment in the reality shows where they reveal your new home/pimped-out car/clothings/etc. instead of trying to even pretend like I have any concept of what lies ahead. Therefore tomorrow's information session will either astound and interest me or find me regressing and hiding under the bed with my thumb lodged securely in my mouth. I can type one handed (albeit slowly and inaccurately) so you will hear something about it either way.

Sad news today, I found a dead rabbit in the back yard while mowing the lawn. It was really odd. We have all sorts of critters in the back yard including mice, a variety of birds, squirrels, chipmunks, and the aforementioned rabbit. It was just keeled over on its side with no visible sign of its demise. Hopefully it doesnt set an ominous tone for the week.

The time is almost nigh. Cant wait to report some actual nursing school content on here.