Monday, October 01, 2007


The combo of the coming fall is a real mixed bag here. I remember it being exciting in Florida because it finally meant it was going to cool down. In Portland, it meant the rainy season was nigh and, here in Rochester, it has a very foreboding air. Immediately though, it is fairly pleasant except that it comes bearing my personal Kryptonite, a flurry of new allergens floating through the atmosphere. So, between my meds and the allergies, I get the choose between low grade headaches and general malaise or constant draining. not sure which is the lesser of the two evils. All I know is that it royally sucks.

Classes still leave me wanting. I feel quite disengaged. I would be more concerned about this fact (especially considering that there is much that lies ahead yet) but the malaise is fairly uniform. I wonder when these things occur if they haven't occurred before, because it seems likely that it would have. I wonder why, if that is the case, there isn't something that could be done or changed to reduce such instances. I wonder these things, but in truth I little care because, ultimately, I am here for the destination. A pleasant ride along the way would be a bonus yes, but if i don't walk across the stage at year's end it won't have been worth the time and money. Classes will change soon enough and hopefully my indifference will change with them. If not, there is always the OB/peds rotation in January.

There are so many interesting things that are part of the profession and could be experienced, which is genuine shame. What we are left with is only a cursory knowledge of what we can choose to do upon graduation. It is a little disheartening to imagine the next 10 weeks will be spent wiping ass instead of seeing a research facility, home nursing, community outreach, clinics and the list goes on. Even within the hospital, I wont have the opportunity to see more than my neuro floor. I guess on the bright side, at least I will have a lot of things I will want to potentially shadow to experience.

Off to do some research. Final in Psych by Wednesday and the last clinical day in Psych as well. Then off for some fun in Toronto! I am so excited and have to say that Hotwire rocks (should there be no problems with the reservation that is). The hotel we got for incredibly cheap is gorgeous and right on Front near Yonge:

1 comment:

GoodNubbin said...

id you know Toronto is the basis for Superman's Metropolis? One of the original writers was a Canadian. Have fun with your American dollar which is now on par with the Loony.
