Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Rachel getting my $8........and married

Tia and I like different kinds of movies. On occasion we reach an accord, but just as often we do not. I cannot justifiably say that I have better taste than she, just different. I like movies that require me to suspend disbelief and often are in no way based in reality (or only tangentially so). With comedy as well as action, I tend towards that direction. Tia tends to like more 'real' films, though she, like I, generally stipulates that something must happen to make the movie worth seeing (not just a slice of daily life). What we tend to agree upon with near unanimity however, is that most oscar nominated films (or films that at least create a 'buzz' akin to that for fine acting performances and the like) are dead boring. Such is the case with Rachel getting married.

Yes, something did happen at this film, the titular character did indeed get married, but other than that it was like watching a home movie of someone else's wedding........someone that you know nothing about. Unless you have wedding fever, it is as dull as it sounds. Its a bummer because Tia really wanted to see it, and was equally disappointed. Just makes me thankful that we only paid $8 instead of $18 to see it. Then i might have had to demand my money back.

On a scale of 1-5, this film fell soundly in the 1 column.
1 = Bah! (wish I had those hours of my life back)
2 = Meh! (It was a diversion, but nothing I would care to see again)
3 = So-so (if it were on TV in the future, I might sit for it again)
4 = Yah! (would watch again)
5 = Yippee! (one of those films that you could watch over and over and never really tire of)

Other films we have seen recently:

Happy Endings - Some sort of interesting storylines that, too neatly and unrealistically, tie together at the end. = 2.5

21 = very glitzy and decently paced with a nice twist at the end. Nothing spectacular, but good fun. = 3

Step Brothers = Will Ferrell usually brings the funny.........not this time. With the exception of the music video, an almost complete loss. = 2

Burn after reading = for me, Coen brothers movies are either home runs (Fargo, O Brother Where art thou, The Big Lebowski) or complete an utter misses (No Country, Intolerable Cruelty) and this definitely falls in the latter category. Disapointing. = 1.5

Zach and Miri make a porno = in Kevin Smith's usual way, the dialogue is quick and profanity laden. The film is uneven, but overall solid and there are some big laughs along the way. It isn't great, but it definitely falls into my solid 3 category.

Crazy Love = An slow paced, but interesting doc about a couple that met, and subsequently broke up, in the 1950s. oh, and the gentlemen in the film paid some hoodlums to throw lye in the woman's eyes blinding her and going to prison for 15 years for it.........and yet they end up together. = 3

Off to watch another movie. Hopefully something at least happens in it.


Tia said...

To update on the next movie:

Secretary - 1.5 BORING. Almost as boring as Rachel Getting Married. Earned itself an additional .5 for showing Maggie Gyllenhall's boobs (per Josh's hilarious rating system.)

If only we could find an excellent movie! We'll take recommendations.

Anonymous said...

Aaagh! You need to update, Brian! I can't look at this post anymore.