Friday, May 08, 2009

Sticken em

My skills at poking people with a small to medium gauge needle are improving markedly. Yeah for small steps. I am also learning more about the computers and getting the grasp of some of the medications. I still have no idea about most of the paperwork side and I am constantly learning new or better techniques from my coworkers which are a solid group. The weird thing is that the way the schedule works out, you often see certain people maybe once or twice a week tops. Actually, because of vacation, illness, and training, I have only seen my boss maybe one time in the past 4 weeks altogether.

Other than work, I am finally on the official mend. I am nearly normal. Tia, however, is still climbing up that hill. With hope, this will be the last dalliance with the flu for at least 6 months.

Saw Wolverine on the big screen. Kind of like the last Hulk was better than I expected it to be, entertaining with amazing special effects, and ultimately fluffy and forgettable. Perfect summer fluff.

Tia and I are off to Bend for the weekend to celebrate our 1 year anniversary which also means it has been a full year since I finished nursing school. Bizarre! Hopefully year 2 will yield more stability. I can't handle all this job hopping. It would be truly strange to only have one w-2 form at the end of a year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aaaaagh! You need to update your blog!