Saturday, November 20, 2010

And in other news

I thoroughly dislike the local news. Because of it, I admit to being fairly ignorant of local events and developments. To me it is a fair trade. Local news pushes too much negativity and fear mongering for my tastes. It paints an exaggerated picture of theft, avarice, and violent crime that I find revolting. But, despite this heightened sense of negative reality, they always manage to find some positive piece of puffery that they inevitably shoehorn in the last segment before they bid us adieu. Whether it be a piece about a local kid selling his comic collection to send presents to the troops, a portrait of someone who has worked to effect positive change in the community, or a water-skiing squirrel, they try to leave us with a bit of a mental palate cleaner after force feeding us trash for the previous 29 minutes. The proverbial mint after your turd sandwich. Considering the negativity of my past few posts, lets call this the mint.

I write a lot of negative things about work, and there are enough of them to be sure, but much like the local news, it does tend to distort things by exaggeration. Most of the calls I get are genuine concerns and most of the people I speak with are fairly pleasant a grateful for advice. My coworkers, MAs, RNs, and docs alike, are by and large really good people. We all share and commiserate and deal with the same burdens which makes us a lot closer than some other workplaces I have been in. We do, when we can, have a lot of fun together even if just sharing some gallows humor. It makes a tough job much much more bearable.

On top of that, our little group in Pod 1 has been garnering an unusual amount of accolades. One of our docs said it makes her happy to come to work because she works with us all, and another two (who have been there for better than 15 years) have told our manager that this was the 'best group they have worked with.' It is certainly nice to be part of those comments. Also, I get more personal accolades than anywhere I have worked previously (or at least that I recall). I am sure I don't make everyone happy, but by and large they seem to find me competent, good with patients and staff, and generally easy to get along with. All those things just make me wish that I enjoyed it more..........and I am truly trying, despite how my blog might read.

Back to my lazy weekend (partially because I have a nagging suspicion that I am fending off another minor outburst of cold symptoms that seem to be traveling through our clinic).

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