Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Still not hired

Well, I am not officially at least an applicant for my own job, which is a step up (I guess). In theory, tomorrow ought to be the last day it is posted (or possibly Friday) and then I am assuming I might get hired. What a boon it will be! Finally hired to do the job I have been doing and erroneously thought was mine to begin with. Of course until it is official, I won't count on it.

In other news, I haven't moved to a new place since the last post! To some this might be a fairly trite to some, but staying in one place for better than 10 days is cause for celebration, albeit minor. We are fully unpacked and starting to learn the roses and thorns of the place.

- Bedroom on a different level than the living room/kitchen. It just feels more spacious.
- The kitchen really is a nice size and it is good having a table again.
- I like not having to wait for the elevator to go up one story.
- No more (at least obvious) mold.

- The wall separating the units is not sound proof enough. Everything seems to filter through.
- Same neighbors big loud barking dog (thankfully not at weird hours or in prolonged bursts)
- We mis-guessed the size of our king bed and the size of the bedroom. A lot of shimmying/crab-walking to get out of the bed

Other than that, it is just like most other places I have lived...........just okay. Will probably be re-evaluating it once the lease nears expiration (god help me).

Speaking of living places, I found out an odd fact about this was sold in separate units, and for a lot more than I thought. Each unit, per Zillow, is roughly equivalent in size at about 1000 sq feet. Each unit also sold for better than $200K. All together, it is about a $700K property. I am honestly incredulous. If this was the Price is Right, I would have seriously underbid and lost the showcase showdown. I will NEVER understand property values here. If pressed I would have guessed maybe $450K for the whole thing. Exactly why it is incredibly unlikely I would ever buy anything here (again).

Clinic is getting more rote, but continues to mystify in some ways. I still have to turn away patients because I am unable to get the appropriate staffing and, concurrently, I wonder if I should be concerned about it or just accept it and move on. I know I cannot accommodate everyone, for instance I lost one patient because the GS clinic opens at 8 and she needed earlier (we open at 9), but it seems weird that I have to say no to patients because I can't get a second nurse for an hour (you need to have 2 nurses for infusions and the wound nurses I work with leave at 4:30).

It is more or less about clarification of parameters. If I know that they are unlikely to get me help ever and that I just need to use my judgment to determine it, than I will. But I hate playing 'let me call such and so and see if there is any way that I might get help and then call you back' only to have to call back and ostensibly say no or put such weird parameters on my request that I am all but saying no. It is especially frustrating because I know that the clinic is a direct conduit to money for our department. IV starts are not (the money goes to the floor and is part of what you pay for in a lump sum under your hospital stay). So, logically, you would think you would divert help to where the revenue is. Again, for my part, I just want to know that it is okay to tell people to go elsewhere and not think/believe that this is going to bite me in the ass down the road.

Back to dreaming about vacation. Just about 2 weeks to go.

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