Sunday, March 18, 2012

It's a.........

Meeting. Well, a meeting with the nurse executive at the hospital. It was incredibly heartening that she was willing to meet with one of the smallest departments in the hospital, with my clinic being an even smaller part of that, and all because I was honest when she asked how things were going in the department. There were no immediate answers, but at least things are being looked into. They are going to do a long term evaluation on the clinic's ability to make money. This could mean a few different things, from full time additional help to closing it part time. In the short term, it doesn't mean anything though.....other than that I can see patients and continue to operate it. In the long term, they are discussing sending out a survey to providers, centralizing scheduling, and possibly better defining the parameters of patients we see. So, ball rolling, just no idea where it will roll to.

We spent the majority of the week in a kind of a hungover state from the time change and trying to reaclimate to a normal schedule after vacation. Unfortunately, that meant a lot of running around this weekend because very little got done during the week. We ended up buying a bed frame for downstairs, the gear for planter boxes for out back, and collecting an amazing array of baby stuff from friends and family. This included a nearly new crib from Caprice and Fergal along with a bassinet and a bunch of swaddling cloths, bottles, and a wrap. Miles and Sam (Tia's co-worker) gave us a baby swing, a seat, a bunch of diaper shells, and a different kind of baby carrier. This on top of another crib that we were given by Michelle along with all sorts of clothing, books and washcloths from my in-laws, my sister, and my parents. We literally have only bought a mattress thus far and, while we still need quite a few more things, it has been incredible how generous everyone has been.

And, the biggest news this weekend was that we had our midpoint ultrasound. The pictures were pretty amazingly detailed. You could see every bone and the outlines of the fingers and toes. It still seems unreal, but seeing baby blob move around kind of helps hammer the concept home that this is indeed happening, and it is happening very rapidly. The good news is that we are right on target size wise and things are progressing along well. Hopefully they continue in that manner. Up next hospital tours, diapering classes, and birthing classes. Life is certainly changing.

Oh yeah, its a boy! Time to start brainstorming names.

1 comment:

tatyana said...

Yay! Congrats =)