Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Fat Baby (or at least back on the growth curve)

Though Q is fighting some kind of gastrointestinal distress (as is the entirety of our household, thankfully save the feline members since I would no doubt be charged with clean up), he has made remarkable gains with the new formula regime.  On the 29th of November, he was 10lbs flat.  Now, less than 2 weeks later, he is 11lbs 14oz.  He put on nearly 3 ounces a day!  He is back on the growth curve (granted, at 5%, but still).  The picture above was taken just 2 days ago after 9 days on the new formula.  Seeing is believing.

Have another appointment in a month.  Hope things keep moving in the right direction.  Only downside to the formula thus far is that it REEKS (going in and coming out).  But, we will take it as a fair trade off.

Nothing else to report other than I was watching many hours of a tattooing reality show today while lying supine in a state of near unconsciousness and I learned that people can (and do) get their tongues tattooed.  Just thought I needed something non baby-related in here.

More to come as always.  

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