Thursday, August 14, 2008

A creative way to deal with pubic lice

I have been meaning to sit down and actually write about my new job and the experiences I have had thus far there.......but that time isn't tonite. I hope maybe tomorrow. In the meantime, a short story to amuse:
Evidently one of the phone nurses were called (some months ago) about a patient who had contracted pubic lice 'crabs'. What happened next takes an astounding mind to come to grips with: he sprayed his genitals with a can of RAID bug spray! I can only guess what the thought processes were behind the act: "This stuff kills bugs, I have bugs living in my pubic hair................hmmmm, I have an idea that is cheap and readily available! What could possible go wrong?" Needless to say, this did not end particularly well. Lets hope that one with so keen an intellect as he has no future opportunities to spread his lice (or his DNA) around...........I think one of this person in the world is enough :)

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