Monday, August 04, 2008

Tossing cookies (those with delicate sensibilities are forewarned)

Well, today was the day. I knew it would happen sooner or later and it finally did........I lost my lunch (both figuratively and, later, literally). I was assigned with a patient with a colostomy bag and I had to empty it. The process of emptying the colostomy bag was not unlike the process of emptying the toothpaste from the tube except replace toothpaste with, well you get the general idea. Suffice to say, for me and my own sensitive stomach regarding all things fecal (just typing this is exercising my gag reflex and sending cool shivers down my spine), it was a quick trip to the bathroom as soon as I was finished.

It wasn't for another hour plus that I went to lunch, still queasy from my experience. I thought that putting something in my stomach might prove advantageous and settle the gastrointestinal tumult. Alas, thinking has never been a strong suit. I quickly found myself praying to the porcelain gods yet again. I spent the next 15 minutes outside under a tree wondering what the hell I had gotten myself into.

What does all this mean? Hard to say. I know there are many many aspects to nursing that I truly love and feel very competent in. I am good with patients, alaris pumps, and medication calculations. I work well with walkie-talkies. I am far less comfortable with ADL care (inclusive of the aforementioned poo) for the bedridden and incontinent which, unfortunately, encompasses a fair amount of the work done at this particular hospital. They never have enough CNAs (and sometimes none at all) and so the tasks normally assigned them (see ADL care above) are within the common purview of the nurses. It is unfortunate and unpleasant. I would not mind (well, I would mind some, but not nearly enough to justify a change in position) if the instances of ADL care were occasional rather than routine......but I wouldn't be concerned enough to write about it were that the case.

I am actively seeking other employment and just as vigorously debating whether or not to continue my employment with WF into tomorrow, let alone until I find something else. I know that my patient, and her colostomy, await. My stomach is churning just thinking about it.


GoodNubbin said...

O man, that sounds....stinky.

Rose City Mama said...

Oh no! I was reading your blog today to catch up on how the nursing was going & yikes! I don't think I could keep my food down either in that situation.

I know you were once set on the hospital experience, but I honestly think that a better fit for you will be in the private practice/small clinic arena. Let me know how the interview goes today- I'll keep my fingers crossed for you! Sounds like an ideal job for you! It's always best to work in a field that you are interested in like Andy does with computers. And having suffered from asthma and allergies your entire life, I think you would do well in a clinic that helps people in your same situation. Plus, you could learn so much & help your little nephew deal with his allergies! Good luck!