Thursday, August 06, 2009

more lamentations about malfunctioning body parts

I swear I will stop the lamentations soon as the problem is resolved, which may need to occur sooner than originally planned. Evidently my body is not like a dinner party and cannot be planned like one (plus, there evidently aren't any hors d'oeuvres during or prior to the surgery. weak).

So, the original plan is for my gall bladder to be evicted on the 25th..............but now I am seriously contemplating the 14th (the next available). This will, unfortunately, cause some complications with my leave, the staffing at my job site (which I am sure they will overcome) and the sorta kinda vacation Tia and I were optomistically planning during week 2 of my recovery (if I have to sit around and do nothing, why not do that on a sandy beach in a more tropical climate?). Unfortunately, much like the whole planning thing, my GB is also entirely too unpredictable to negotiate with and seems to flare up without regard for my personal and professional schedule causing me to miss work and plans outside of work. So, whether missing a few days between now and the surgery is better or worse than just having the surgery and being done with it is a point of personal contention with me. I would, of course, just as soon have all the pieces fall into place and muddle through the next two weeks on a combination of anti-nausea and pain medication.

On the other side of the coin, the house is moving forward. We also locked in a stellar rate far below our anticipated one. Plus, the inspection was pretty clean. It is definitely getting exciting........if only because we wont know what to do with so much space! How fun.

Nothing else to report at the moment. Keep em crossed for me. The next few weeks will be hit and miss.

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