So, I was finally swept up into the fervor and saw Avatar and, honestly, it is what I thought it would be based upon the previews, so I was neither wowed, nor overly disappointed. Though, considering the hype alone, I suppose I would lean towards disappointment. The visuals were truly stunning and, much like Coraline, seeing the movie in 2D, would have lowered my regard for the film considerably. Things truly did 'pop' and the depth they were able to achieve was astounding. The colors jumped off the screen and there were breathtaking views galore. However, the story was a direct rip-off of other films. Dances with Wolves comes prominently to mind as does Ferngully. The bad guys were all very 2 dimensional and there were the obligatory overlong action sequences where the #1 bad guy a-hole survives near certain death to fight even more (and of course loses). Overall, I would say this is a movie that lives and dies in 3D, and seeing it without it would be a huge letdown as it is, overall, subpar.
My allergies have been absolutely unbearable the last few days. Not sure what it is, or why, but they are as bad as they have been in some time. Evidently there are many others that share in the misery, so it is likely coming from without instead of within the home. As I type this my left eye is only now losing some of its blood red hue and is no longer bleary, but only after a heavy dose of antihistamines which generally leave me feeling quite spacy and drug out. Though, given the alternative, I suppose I will take the feeling over the effects of the allergies. Yuck!
Little else of note has transpired since my last post. Work continues as always and I continue to vacillate on my desire to find something else (well, I should admit that, should I find something else that interests me and I am qualified for, I would leave in a heartbeat, so vacillate is probably the wrong word) and I continue to strive to find a good balance. Speaking of balance, my head is definitely not at the moment, so I think I will leave this short.
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