Friday, January 08, 2010


Resolutions require, well, resolve, which I have in short supply. So, in the interest of the integrity of my blog, I think it might be more accurate to call them wishes. As in, wishes rarely come true, but maybe. Or prayers perhaps, though that seems rather mystical for my secular self. Even aspirations seem lofty as it will leave me deflated when I do not reach them. So, we will stick with wishes I least until I can find a better term. Long shots maybe?

#1 - Eat less(better)/exercise more - Ah, the dreaded resolution that most, if not all, of us share. I have spent the past year going back and forth with stomach issues that seem to be, finally, resolved after my troublesome gall bladder was evicted. This has led to some minor issues, though significantly less arduous than my GB caused me.......mainly being able to eat whatever I want without much if any bodily retribution. This can pose some unhappy results to someone who unabashedly loves to eat, namely a tightening of clothing heretofore quite reasonably fitted. The surgery also caused my exercise regimen to grind to a screeching halt (though it is my fault for not trying to put the wheels in motion again after sufficient recovery). So, the wish is obvious........lets see if it works.

#2 - Be more positive about work - Having finally had my meeting with the highest up of the higher ups within my department (moderated by HR), I left feeling positive about the possibilities that lie ahead, emboldened to speak up more, and also a bit like there was still much unfinished. So, with hope, things will continue at an upward angle and improve. It is my hope. The job is a good one, my coworkers are stellar, and the hours/pay/benefits are very good. So, another wish.

I could go on, but I think 2 disappointing failures ought to do it for this year :) I hope everyone had a great holiday season (I spent my NY snowshoeing for the first time and absolutely loved it! Who would have ever thought this Florida boy would ever wish to be enshrouded in heavy layers tromping about in powdery ice crystals?) and I wish you the best on your own resolutions/wishes/prayers for the new year.


GoodNubbin said...

I want you to resolve to eat more pho with me.


AMK said...

I wish you the best with your resolutions.