Sunday, September 18, 2011

Let's get down to brass tacks, how much for the chimpanzee?

What does the title have to do with anything? Well, nothing. Just misdirection. Something to get you to read wondering about how one goes about purchasing a chimp or thinking about reading/watching Fear and Loathing. Either are good avenues for fervent imaginings. Certainly better than the droll recounting I will probably give you here (despite far better than that intentions).

I have been shy of my usual verbal self of late. No explanations. Sometimes the words just leave. I like to think they go somewhere fun, because usually they return fully energized (if somewhat scatologically prone).

So, without further ado, lets head full bore into the week that was (and what a week it was)!

Work was work, though slower and more methodical than it has been (and continues to be this week). Was and remains a nice change of pace, though I remain confused by the fact that I can't just call it a day early without some penalty (so long vacation time). I am on board with them paying me for time I am not here, but not with my time. In that case, I am in complete accord with the idea of me not being here and them not paying me for said time. Seems a good agreement and uncomplicated at that since they already don't pay me for the 2/3 of every day I don't spend within the confines of these walls. But, something is clearly lost in translation. Any translators out there?

Life has been pretty fun of late. I tend to get bogged down in the 2/3 (must be the fraction du jour) of the year that the weather vacillates between indifferent and mind-numbingly depressing and give short shrift to the beautiful season(s) in between. The time spent out doors working on the yard (and in my case red/bleary eyed), riding bicycles, jogging, hanging out on restaurant patios, going to parties, eating at cart pods, and generally just being outside.

We spent last Friday night out at said cart pods with current friend and former Realtor Joleen (I say former only because we don't need her services presently, though I would use her again). Cartapalooza 1.0 was born that day (and hopefully will breed many more). At Cartlandia we sampled sliders from a burger savant (something was off about him, though he made a damned fine burger.........especially since he professed to not eating meat) and I got my taste of the weird (as is my predilection) after ordering a lengua (tongue) taco for a buck and then asking what buche might be. Turns out it is pig stomach. Well, if you know me you know it had to be tried. Overall, not a fan. Not bad really, but texturally a bit odd (crispy/chewy). Leaving there we headed for greener, or fried greener, pastures, but were denied fried green tomato BLTs (much to Tia's chagrin) when the cart proprietor informed us they were out of supplies and closing up shop. Joleen grabbed a, per her, mediocre Italian pastry and we were off again to A la Carte on Division and 50th, probably my favorite stop of the group. So many choices, but many were a bit on the heavy side, so we all decided on a Fondue It cart that had some amazing chocolate fondue with fresh made zepolies to dip in it (think mini donuts). Joleen and her date opted for the cheese/sausage combination. They also got a deep fried, chocolate covered piece of bacon with various spices adorning it. Sadly, not a winner. We finished up in a food daze at the last pod group, not having the stomachs to pack in any more despite the tempting options of Whiffies Fried Pies and Potato Champion beckoning (as well as a wood fired pizza place in a cart).

Saturday night we had a great dinner out with Tia's work friend (and my current best foodie buddy) Jen and her partner Cindy at Grain & Gristle. It is a solid meat and potatoes type of place with solid food (like the yummy lamb sandwich with picked onions). We then headed to OMSI to check out a free Yelp event at the museum (the main exhibit was old video games). Free booze, free food, and free access to the museum made a fun, and somewhat informative, evening.

Sunday was football and the aforementioned yard work that, despite the fact that I kind of enjoy doing it, it clearly has no affinity towards me. I was enveloped in a Benadryl haze from about 4pm onward.

So, if you are similarly afflicted, living in the Pacific NW that is, I urge you to soak up every last ray of sunshine and get out there while the getting is good. Cause you know it won't be for much longer.

Next time we'll talk chimpanzees.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You should have tried the Wiffle Pie, they are the cart that got the whole show rolling. All well. Another time. You might enjoy this monstrosity though!
