Monday, September 05, 2011

How did it get to be September?

There is (was?) a TV ad for an insurance company (and I have no idea which one, so clearly not the most effective ad) that states "Life comes at you fast." It could not be more accurate.

We have now been in our new house for more than a month. In that time we have managed to pull a compost bin full of weeds and ivy 2 to 3 times over (and counting), paint most of the upstairs rooms and a wall downstairs, buy and assemble a seemingly never end pile of Ikea (or Ikea analog) furniture, hang shelves, and randomly move things from room to room in a seemingly fruitless attempt to find homes for everything we own (which still leaves us with more than 2 completely empty rooms save for some boxes/totes in one and our foster cat family in the other). It is, by degrees, both enjoyable and frustrating, but always takes more time and energy than you think. That said, it is thus far a HUGE quality of life improvement over the last 2 least in my opinion. Of course, we would have been fine with much less space too, probably 25-30% less really. But, its hard to really complain about that.

I spent a day last week (and a few hours the week prior) at the Hood in Gresham. They are the last group to 'go live' on Epic and, hopefully, it won't be another handful of treks out there. I won't hold my breath though. But, all in all, the gal who runs the clinic out there is much savvier, so I don't believe the need will be as great. We shall see.

We tried out a new HH place this past Saturday called Tapalaya, which is a tapas style restaurant with a New Orleans theme. It was somewhat hit and miss, but overall pretty damn good. The drinks were amazingly simple, tasty and cheap ($3 for a Hurricane and $2 for Martinis along with a slew of other discounted libations). The food had some pros and cons. The good: the crawfish fritters were quite good, they had Crystal hot sauce on every table, and the catfish on the po boy was flaky and moist. The bad: the mac and cheese tastes like something I could make at home without any effort (unlike the one at Besaw's which is INCREDIBLE), the bread on the po boy wasn't toasted which meant it started to get soggy quickly, and the beet salad was scant and fairly bland. Will have to try it again.

Saw Super 8 over the weekend as well, admittedly largely because of the Hurricanes at Tapalaya which put driving out of the question. I had heard good things about it though and, ultimately, I would tell people not to go out of their way to see it. Just so-so and immediately forgettable.

I'll leave this random assortment with another song which kind of reminds me of The Flaming Lips by a band called City Light (I have no idea what, if anything, the video is related to though).

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