Thursday, September 27, 2012

Glitter paint

I am sure I will continue to fail at this task, but I am adamant about trying to keep up with this blog.  My hope was that I will have more time to do so when I am home with Quinn two days a week, but based on Tia’s experience and my own, this seems very unlikely.  It actually seems like I will have LESS time, not more to pursue such nonessential exploits.  Oh well, how much can you really write about baby spit-up and diapering anyway? 

Lets start with the aforementioned Mr. Quinn.  He is actually doing better.  Or at least was.  It seems like he is hitting another growth spurt complete with ramped up feeding frequency and seemingly ending grousing.  Thankfully, these are generally short lived.  Regretfully, I suspect this will be a constantly repeated cycle.  But, for all the grousing, he is doing very well.  I am sure it will be good fun when he becomes more interactive.  At least he is throwing out some smiles now. 

As for work, the end of full time is nigh.  This is the last Wednesday that I will be here.  The last week that this is ‘my’ clinic.  It is truly bittersweet.  I really wish something could have been worked out to keep me here in my current role, but there was no compromise available and it is much more important to me that I have time to spend with Quinn and that he doesn’t have to spend the majority of his week in the care of strangers.  I can only hope it mostly goes well.  I know it will be a learning curve. 

The new girl won’t start here for another week +, that is assuming she has started at all.  I have heard nothing and likely won’t.  I won’t meet her until the first day we are scheduled together on the 9th.    I certainly hope it works out well, though there will always be a part of me that hopes it doesn’t work out too well.  At some point, it is still my goal to return to this hospital and this clinic after all.    

As for the Park, it still seems like I will be elsewhere as often as there.  This doesn’t bother me in the least.  The Park is actually the furthest from me of all our sites.  I told the charges as much.  I would have just taken a float job except that: A. It guarantees you no hours, B. You are always first flexed out, and C. No benefits.  I am kind of going into this job with the mindset that I will pretty much operate as a float, only with a set number of hours and days.  They are also opening up some kind of hybrid position for anyone wanting to pick up shifts on the weekends.  It would be a 5 hour gig (8-1) doing rounds/starts at GSH.  Picking up a shift every couple of weekends could mean a few thousand a year extra….assuming they keep that going.  Of course, as with everything else here, instability is the only kind of stability we know. 

Other than the usual goings on, there is little else to report on at the moment of note other than:
-          We (nurses) get a raise in October of 4.5%.  Awesome!
-          I met a patient the other day (and I meet some doozies) that supposedly injected glitter paint into themselves.   It just reminds me that people have an endless capacity to do themselves harm and that, no matter how long you are in the profession, there is always something that shocks you.  

1 comment:

Lesa Pinker said...

Wait. What? Why would you inject glitter paint into yourself? Is this some kind of dumb new drug trend? Did they think it would make them all sparkly like a Twilight vampire?

(PS: Babies: it's gets better. It really, really does.)