Saturday, October 06, 2012

QT (Quinn Time)

Week 1 with 2 days of Quinn all by myself is in the books.  It was a quite terrifying proposition since he isn't exactly a baby who enjoys a long nap.  He doesn't really nap at all honestly unless he is in motion.  And he seems to be acutely aware of the difference between automated motion (ala the swing) and someone holding him and moving.  Obviously, this prevents you from napping with him......or at all.  In fact, it prevents you from doing anything much besides dealing with Q.

I made it a goal each day to get out of the house with Q.  This takes considerably more time than I am used to and some strategic planning.  Quinn eats pretty reliably every 2.5 hours.  The bottles need to be warmed.  I can't make milk, so I am at a disadvantage there.  So the game is to, somehow, get him fed, play with him until he is at least somewhat tired and make sure he is changed and have all the gear ready to go along with another bottle heated up to room temp to take with and then try to get the baby and all his accessories into the car and on the road.  Again, he does not like to be put down much at all, so prepping yourself is a challenge.  I have found that I can do this, but generally something has to give.  That something, I am finding out, is generally eating.  This has led me to the conclusion that drive thrus were not made for the portly and indolent, but rather for new parents who know that going into a restaurant entails WAY too many steps and is likely to wake up the baby and prohibit eating.  Suffice to say, I think I will become well acquainted with them.  Note to Chipotle, please put in a drive thru.  New moms and dads everywhere will thank you!  

The nice thing about staying home with Q is that I get to see his happy moments.  He smiles and makes all sorts of fun noises and is becoming much much more interactive.  He is still a colicky terror in the evenings, so remembering that he does have another happier side is HUGE.  

I learned from my friend Lesa when her little one was much younger that we all become rather entranced with baby poop.  It permeates many a conversation.  So, Lesa, this is for you:

Q had gone 9 days without a bowel movement.  I used my general nursing skills to assess him, but his abdomen was soft and non-tender with bowel sounds.  He was certainly passing gas.  His pediatrician said it was not abnormal for a breast fed baby.  But, inevitably, the day would come.  Our hope was that this would be visited upon his daycare providers.  Perhaps this is mean, but we both knew that it could be a fairly traumatic experience.  Suffice to say, it happened Wednesday when he was with me.  Thankfully, it happened on the way home and not on the way to somewhere (and since I was on the way home from signing paperwork related to a house refinance, it wasn't exactly a good situation for a blow out).  Also, mercifully, the cloth diapers do a marvelous job of keeping most everything in that is supposed to stay in.  Unfortunately, EVERYTHING in that area was completely and utterly covered in baby poop.  I looked every so briefly at his wipes and quickly discarded the laughable notion that a dozen or more would be up to the task.  So, ran to the bathroom and sprayed him down with the showerhead sprayer.  Then I bathed him.  Then I wiped everything down.  It was pretty ridiculous and funny honestly.  I was dumbfounded.  It was definitely a moment when I thought, 'what in the hell is going on with my life?!?!?'  Ah, parenthood.  

Work remains the same as before.  They are filling in the gaps with a hodgepodge of people, so I spend quite a bit of time fixing things from the days that I am not there.  There is some faint hope on the horizon former supervisor who left in late  July to work in mother baby at another hospital evidently applied for the clinic gig when we realized that the night shift isn't for her (and that it takes about 10 years to move to days).  I really hope she ends up getting it.  She will already know most of what she will need to know to run the clinic, and will just need to brush up on the computing side.  More to come as I hear more.  Still no word on a manager though.  

Tia is back to her job and, unfortunately, the woman who was supposed to take over her projects while she was on leave managed to either do nothing at all or make things worse.  So, she is having to pick up on new projects that got funded as well as undo a lot of the mess that was left for her.  I feel badly for her.  They clearly need her there full time and she just as clearly does not want to do that.  However, it seems like she may have to choose between being full time and getting paid as such or staying at 80% with the expectation being that she will work full time anyway.  She is very very good at her job, so she is in high demand, but it inevitably means that more people want her time and effort.  We will have to see how things shake out.  Again, more to come as events warrant.  

I am going to call this good since I will otherwise sit on this for possibly weeks until I find another time and space to write.   


GoodNubbin said...

Sounds like you are making some major forward progress, man!

Well done. According to my AD&D parenting rulebook, I'd say you are about ready to hit Level 4 of parenthood: Increased stamina, a +2 saving throw against poop and a new ability to use a Bag of Holding!

Lesa Pinker said...

Well, I am honored to get a mention in your blog, even if it is a mention about poop. It is true that I can tell some poop stories, man! I can tell you infant poop stories (Best one: baby Theo went 30 days w/o a poop,[doc. said it was ok, I promise he was checked out] then had the most enormous blow-out at my friend Courtney's house and had to be hosed off in her shower), I can tell you toddler poop stories, I can tell you preschooler poop stories.

Tia said...

30 days Lesa!?!? Oh my! Bryan always resorts to hosing Q off in the shower :) I like to think I have a smart baby that saves those blowouts for daddy days.