Sunday, October 28, 2012


I had written a post about a week ago at work, but discarded it for being too much the same.  I suppose that this might be as well, but dammit it has been too long between posts! :)

I have been under the weather for what seems like ever, but has been less than a week.  I can't quite get a handle on this cold either.  Usually it follows a pattern of general body aches, followed by the full blown cold, followed by recovery (usually indicated by being incredibly hot).  Well, those phases all happened, but instead of recovery I spiraled back down.  I feel worse today than at any other point during this ailment actually.  Stupid colds.

Q is also going through another cold of some kind.  It just means he is extra boogery.  On top of the drool, spit up, urine, and poo though, it is hard to really notice one more leaky fluid.  I just feel badly for him because he clearly has a much harder time sleeping because of it.  It is his second such ailment since starting daycare about a month ago.  Poor little dude.

Q is also still quite a bit under weight.  This is evidently an issue with him not getting enough feeding in when he is not with Tia.  It is something that appears easily fixed though, just up his bottles by about 2/3 of an ounce and up the feeding frequency a bit.  The hard part, obviously, will be Tia producing enough supply to meet this demand.  I know she will try.  Worst case, we augment with some formula.  He is otherwise very healthy and doing well.

Work remains pretty much the same.  They offered my job to a former charge nurse who had applied for it, but she had some child care concerns and told them she would get back to them.  Of course, she never did.  She just fell off the face of the earth.  Not only did she not end up with the job, but now she isn't welcome to continue working as an on call either.  Hard to figure out why you would want to burn your bridges (especially since she has left and returned previously), but she has.  Had she left her current job though, she would have burned her bridge there (my old boss hired her on at that job just 3 months ago).  Some people definitely don't consider the ramifications of their actions.  The end result is the same for me though, still no one taking the gig.  They are evidently going to do another round of interviews soon.  I won't hold my breath.  Of course, all it will likely mean is that I will be commuting much further.

There is still much talk about the 'new' company that may end up absorbing all the clinics anyway...starting with the Park where I officially work.   Based on the meeting I attended, this doesn't appear imminent, despite the stated goal of it happening the first quarter of 2013.  Rather than bore anyone with the details, let me just say they have a lot of ground to cover yet, not the least of which are HR related.  If it were a house, they would still be in the design phase with, maybe, some rough sketches.

Tia's job remains about the same.  She is overworked and trying to manage it without going back to full time (which would mean 10 hour days).  Her job is made much more difficult because her replacement did nothing, meaning she is not only trying to keep up with current demands, but trying to catch up for the three months she was out.  In typical fashion at her job, the offending party is not really getting any real flack for it.  She is just passive aggressively being written out of projects and pushed out to other teams.  So that other teams can evidently deal with her incompetence.  Seem like not a very effective way to deal with problem employees.

My head is starting to swim a bit.  More to come as always.

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