Thursday, August 16, 2007

My Christening

Just thought I would write a quick blurb and let everyone know that I was christened today. I was taking care of a patient who was unable to speak or understand more than a child's handful of English and was also in a state of moderate dementia. He was on one-on-one care (meaning someone was sitting in the room watching him all day so they didnt have to put him in restraints because the restraints 'agitated' him) because he had ripped out 3 catheters (1 for sure before the balloon holding it in his bladder was deflated......make my bits and pieces ache just writing about it) and numerous IVs. So, the person watching him needed a break and, while I was watching him for a bit, he began to flail about. Thinking he was having some problems, I ran to the bedside only to find out he had undone his adult diaper. He peed all over the floor and on my arm. At least pee is sterile.......though it did NOT make me feel awfully clean.

On the upside the person doing the one-on-one care did most of the cleaning up during the day as my patient had been prescribed Colace (a laxative) the evening before. I helped out a few times but lets just say that Colace is HIGHLY effective and leave it at that.

1 to go until Florida beckons!!!


GoodNubbin said...

Have a good vacation man. I'm stuck in this goddamn office with Miranda talking.

Rose City Mama said...

Hey...I didn't know you could leave comments here. I also have been christened in a sense by Sebastian several times actually! Actually, the other day I took his diaper off which was very full of pee & went to get a new one, came back & the poor boy had peed all over his own face! I am such a bad mommy! He was smiling though so I guess he thought it was fun. Anyway- I am sure that having a strange sick person pee on you is like 100x worse, but I thought I would share so you didn't feel so all alone. Miss ya! --Amy

Lesa Pinker said...

Congrats on your christening. I didn't realize nursing was so much like being a mom! Like Amy, I've been peed on by my child as well as puked on. Not to mention the feces...well you know how that goes.