Friday, January 25, 2008


I was going to state, in grandiose fashion, that I had changed my first diaper today. Then I thought about it and realized that would be a misnomer indeed. I have changed more diapers in this program than I care to recollect. Not a one, prior to today, had been on anyone under the legal drinking age however. It was thankfully a good deal easier when you can single-handedly maneuver their body about. I will state that the stool itself, meconium, was akin to trying to remove the residue left behind after you remove a sticker. Hence, what they lack in volume, they make up for in effort required. Enough poop talk.

I also witnessed my first circumcision. It was actually pretty interesting and not altogether unpleasant. There seems to be a lot of information defending both sides of the circumcision argument and neither has enough evidence to back up their claims. Who knew a little piece of skin could inspire such controversy. I long for the day when pro-life and pro-choice is no longer debated and, instead, we have to hear our candidates discuss their stance, and reasoning, on circumcision. It would be nice to finally not hear a bunch of old white men trying to force their opinions on what women should be able to do with their uterus and instead have women duking it out on what we men can opt do with our penises.

To close this terse post out, I must reiterate how much I hate doing the early AM thing. It would be one thing if I were banking a bit of change for it, but the opposite is true. Consider this a post-bitch for today and a pre-bitch for tomorrow. Gnite.

1 comment:

Lesa Pinker said...

For whom was the circumcision "not all that unpleasant?" You? I'm guessing the little dude wasn't loving every minute of it...