Monday, January 28, 2008


Can you have senioritis in a one year program? I contend that you can. If not I will have to seek out psychological evaluation to more accurately discern why I feel how I do at the moment.

Right now the program feels a lot like a ride at Disney World. They have signs posted everywhere along the snaking lines telling you just how long you have to wait. Then, much sooner than you imagined, you find yourself on the precipice of the entranceway, excited that you are about to enjoy the ride......only to be confronted by a labyrinth of partitions herding you circuitously towards, what you hope, is the actual ride. Only, instead of a ride, I will be subjecting myself to onerous standardized testing and prostrating myself before potential employers at the culmination of this phase of the journey. I must be a sadist......or utterly insane.

On the other side of the street where the grass is greener, things outside of school are going as well as can be expected. Tia continues to deal as well as humanly possible with my ever shifting schedule and responsibilities. I know she finds it irritating, but she does well in masking it for the most part.

I cannot wait until May. That will be my new mantra.


GoodNubbin said...

4 more months, baby! Only four more months. You can do this thing. Just keep your head down and get 'er done!


Rose City Mama said...

Hi there! Enjoy your remaining months as a student. Once you start work & get into a routine, you might wish you were back in school learning again. Either way, you are almost to the finish line. Feel proud of yourself that you have made it this far.