Monday, May 05, 2008

Interview (another brief post)

I have my first nursing interview on Wednesday (My first out of Rochester interview anyway) for a hospital in Salem, OR. Obviously, this will be a phone interview which affords me the added benefit of not having to dress up. Hell, I don't even have to comb my hair. Not sure how to prepare though. Preparing for interviews for Rochester area hospitals seems to consist of showing up roughly on time and having a list of questions for them. It will be interesting to compare.

Grades are finally in. I did far better than I thought on my final paper. Go figure.

I will try to post after the interview. Keep em crossed. It isn't Portland, but it is a damn sight closer than Western NY.


GoodNubbin said...

Bah! Do a year in Salem and then you'll have enough street cred to work anywhere in PDX. And the price of living is far lower. Good work man!


GoodNubbin said...

Bah! Do a year in Salem and then you'll have enough street cred to work anywhere in PDX. And the price of living is far lower. Good work man!
