Monday, May 26, 2008

They f'ed up my fingerprints

I have to take a moment to rant about the Monroe County sheriff's office. I understand that fingerprinting is not the only thing that police officers do, however, as they are the ONLY game in town for fingerprinting here in Rochester, one would assume a degree of proficiency. I was, after all, not paying them $25 for a dram of ink and the 3 minutes of their precious time (they don't even supply the fingerprinting forms for that fee). You know what they say about assuming though.

Yesterday I get a letter in the mail from Oregon stating that the fingerprint job they did here in Rochester did not yield enough valid prints to run my background check. Which means they cannot release my information to the testing center. Which means my NCLEX test date will be pushed back. Which means I am quite pissed off. I now have to find my way back to the sheriff's office during their inconveniently scheduled allotment of two hours daily and have my fingerprints redone in the hopes that lightning cannot strike twice.

What the hell am I saying. I neglected to mention that I already had to go back a second time (my fault) to have a paper filled out and, at that time, the officer on duty redid a few prints on the back because he felt the originals were errant. Meaning that even the second run of prints was no good! So, lets go with third times the charm instead of the lightening striking reference. They can't possibly mess it up a third time. Right? Right?!?

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