Tuesday, July 08, 2008

As there is nothing new

Very little has changed of late.........and that isn't a bad thing. After two months of constant upheaval, it is nice to have a settled routine of sorts. Between studying, looking for nursing jobs, and working at PRE, things are pretty mellow. Of course, that all changes this weekend when I become a complete and total stress monkey, but until then it is blessed tranquility.

In lieu of an update of the normal sort, I thought I would just post on something that I like: movies. I am definitely one of those people who love movies enough that, if one is on TV that I like, I have no qualms about picking it up right in the middle and watching it to the end. Only certain movies make the cut of course..........and they aren't all cinematic masterpieces. This list is not comprehensive in the slightest, but I need a break from my studies and I thought I would share some of my favorites (in no particular order):

Cool Hand Luke: Is there a better classic guy movie? Arguments can be made I am sure, but before Paul Newman was a purveyor of many fine charitably minded consumables, he was a badass with an iron resolve that proved that, yes, a man can eat fifty eggs (and Kobayashi later proved he can eat 70 hot dogs as well).

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas: Like escargot or Spam, it is an acquired taste. Some people may never acquire it, and while people like myself would find it a shame, those people probably aren't that broken up about the fact (hey, I hate octopus........but it doesn't adversely impact my epicurean enjoyment). It is a reason to love Johnny Depp as an actor who is so immersed in Hunter Thompson as a character I would wonder if Hunter would have performed much differently himself. If you are willing, it is worth the ride. Maybe have a drink or two first.

Very Bad Things: The words dark or black comedy get thrown around a little too liberally. Very few movies reach the inspired heights (or depths dependent on view) of a true black comedy. I can recall only a small handful that didnt make a sudden turn and end on an up note or some other pointless treacle. This one doesn't. If anything, the ending is a rousing affirmation of
all that leads up to it. Karma is a bitch.

Apocalypse Now: This film is dark and deeply disturbing and also incredibly well constructed with standout performances and some cinematic moments that are indelibly etched in hollywood history. The song 'Riders on the Storm" was virtually reinvented.

300: Pure popcorn. 2-D characters and ultimately forgettable save for the CGI and the physical look of the film. A comic book come to life.

Anchorman: I have heard it said before and I couldn't agree more fervently: the Caddyshack of my generation. Spectacularly quotable and deliciously offbeat. You will never think of San Diego the same way again. A comedy that holds up to repeated viewings, which is saying something.

Tombstone: A movie that would be good, but not great, were it not for Val Kilmer's Doc Holliday. He was to this film what Johnny Depp was to Pirates. Worth it for the scenes he is in and when the revenge heats up at the end.

Chasing Amy: Technically, this film is a disaster. No real cinematography and an amateur feel. Smith is no auteur to be certain. But, the dialogue is punchy and Jason Lee is hilarious. I am not saying much by saying this, but it is probably the best 'acting' that Ben Affleck has done as well.

Shawshank Redemption: In my mind, the most perfect film on the list. Sublimely acted and incredibly well-acted with a story that is more than a wink and a nod to the Count of Monte Cristo's style of revenge. The redemption at the end always gets to me. It is the book brought to life.

Fight Club & Seven: Both have Brad Pitt and both were directed by David Fincher so I tie them together despite little else in common. Both still resonates after repeated viewings.

Just my Luck: Lindsay Lohan's finest perform...............who am I kidding. I cant even pretend I saw it, let alone liked it. Just seeing if anyone read this far :)

If my sanity holds, I will post when more becomes apparent with jobs, exams and the like.

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