Saturday, November 28, 2009

The plot thickens

Well, the ball is officially rolling (and picking up momentum) at work. More and more issues are cropping up regarding the head of my department and some come complete with specific instances. If this doesn't all end up affecting any change, then I will know that this isn't the place to work for much longer. I still think that, largely, the issue lies with communication, but it doesnt help that that issue coincides with so many other deficiencies.

As for non-work, things are going well considering this is the stressful holiday season. Looking very much forward to Christmas and a short getaway for new years.

Finally got an elliptical and even managed to assemble it with Tia with a limited number of half-articulated frustration profanities. Huzzahs all around! Now I realize just how out of shape I actually am. I think I got winded climbing up on it the first time. Baby steps to fitness.

1 comment:

Rose City Mama said...

Haven't been on here for awhile. Every place of employment has its dramas I suppose. Hopefully things improve for you soon! Good luck!