Tuesday, December 15, 2009

forgot about Dre

It is only now starting to dawn on me, and bother me just the same, that the 00's are on their way out. I felt the same way about the end of the 90s though (only this time free from the dreaded Y2K end of the world scenarios). I have a hard enough time remembering and taking stock of one year, let alone a decade. So, what happened exactly?

The 00s have seen me move out of Florida, for a place distant and alien.....the Pacific NW. A place where winter is not just marginally different than any of the other seasons. A places where you have to own things like pants and can't wear flip-flops 350 days a year. A places where the beach is a place to look at, not to swim in (and you frequently wear the aforementioned pants). A place where trees change colors and humidity means rain. It has been an odd transition, but one I am quite happy that I made.

The 00s found me graduating from college, not once but twice (the second time to far happier and more successful result). It found me engaged, not once but twice (with eerily similar results to college). Married once. First house purchase. First new car. First real job (amongst many now). First surgery. First recovery. First trips to Asia and Europe (and last desire to go to Asia for some time). First 401K. First loan repayments. First bouts with the difficulties and successes of being an adult. First gray hairs (and surely not the last).

With still a few weeks left, who knows what will happen, but I am thankful that they are nearly over if only because I know I made it through them, and sad because there were so many important memories.


GoodNubbin said...

Wow! Two (2) posts in one week! You are a whirling dervish of blogs this month. We're happy to have you out in the NW, buckaroo! Cheers.


bath mate said...

As always an excellent posting.The
way you write is awesome.Thanks. Adding more information will be more useful.
