I had heard the term dink before, but it is still funny to me and I was surprised when one of my coworkers mentioned it when he was asking where I was going on vacation he said, "of course you two can live in the Pearl and go on a cruise, you're a couple of dinks." Dink stands for dual income no kids (and if you add the 'y' it stands for yet). Not sure if kids are in the future or not, and despite where my opinions often lean, I realize there are benefits to having them, but for right now it is great not having a little bundle of responsibility.
Friday nite after work I was invited to a Happy Hour with coworkers (I did not make it there due to a rather involved story that centers largely around my own directional challenges), spent Saturday out trying the Pope House Bourbon Lounge (the mixed drinks and the bourbon ice cream were amazing) with some new acquaintances, Sunday volunteering at CAT giving away over 3 tons of food (my biannual 'do something nice for others' day :) and then going to a friends party, grilling and playing Rock Band with a wall projector (and in an incredible sound system........they clearly LOVE that game), and then today took a trip out to the Casino before holing up for the night. Stuff we couldn't do with a kid (hell, not with a dog really).
Back to it tomorrow. More food reviews soon. Have to write more about the Pope House (kick ass happy hour). Can't wait to see what kind of calamities the patients of the clinic got into over a 3 day weekend that they didn't think needed immediate attention at an urgent care center or a hospital. It is shocking.
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