Thursday, June 21, 2007


So the week that was is finally a 'was' instead of an 'is'. It included three exams and two write-ups and a CPR class for me. The score at the end of the week, I did well on the two Patho tests (though the second one was truly just recognition), but feel about as comfortable as a pair of tighty whiteys about the one today. Ah well, you cant win them all, and, as Garth Algar would say "live in the now man." Indeed.

Got back the scores from a bizarre test we took way back in week one: The NET (Nurse Entrance Exam). Theoretically, this exam would assess whether or not we possessed the skills necessary to make it in school and the profession. Of course, the point of giving it to us after we were already admitted is lost on me. I have doubts that if someone couldn't do math or write that they would kick them out now. The test yielded some surprising and entirely unsurprising results. First off, evidently I can do math. Yeah for me. I was in the 98% percentile. I am EXTREMELY curious to know what I missed (I missed one percentage operation), but I will be happy with how I did. I can also read fairly rapidly. However, my reading comprehension is just only above average and my knowledge of punctuation is below average?!,. (cant even figure out how to end the last sentence). Evidently I also dont have very good test taking skills (a skill they can test for apparently, though unrelated to math I would guess). However, it should be noted that my scores, as well as those of my classmates, ought to be curved somehow. We were given this test on our first Friday after all new classes, overwhelming lectures, and bustling about trying to dot every 'i'. Overall I ended up in the 88th percentile. Too bad that doesnt directly translate to school where I remain entrenched in my 55th percentile niche (it is a cozy place and I am quite comfortable).

Tia's birthday is this weekend. I got her a new bike (a surprise I cannot ruin since she already has ridden it). I am hoping to be able to clear out some time for us to do something fun on Sunday since her birthday and school match up about as poorly as Lindsay Lohan and rehab. I have a test that morning from 8-11 and classes that run until 7pm.

Off to bed. One more day to go before the weekend.


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