Thursday, May 27, 2010

Coming out of, sorta

Life is strange. I know that is trite and probably wildly inaccurate really. I actually can't think of the last time it rained brimstone or walked headlong into some mythical creature like Bigfoot. I guess a more true statement would be that life is infrequently staid. Rarely rote for periods of any length or breadth. For certain, when the waters are calm, there is always something roiling beneath.

I was thinking about it today when I was in contact with a few old friends and one of them remarked that, "I have a lot going on." I am not apt to disagree, but I also thought that I could scarcely remember a time when everything was tranquil.

In the last three years Tia and I have had near continuous tumult. I went back to school and finished it. She went back and decided the program wasn't right. I have had 3 jobs since I finished school (4 if you count temp work at PRE) and Tia has worked 3 as well. We have moved across the country twice and are living in our third place (4 if you count the time at her sisters) and have bought and are now selling our first home together (Tia had also bought and sold a place in Rochester and (just prior to moving out there) bought and sold a condo here. We got married, then spent our first month as newlyweds selling off everything we owned (she owned) to prepare to move back here, ending up the last week with no bed, no table, and little other furniture. I had surgery once (and was very sick at least twice). We have taken some lovely vacations including a cruise, some trips to Vegas and various places around Canada and Oregon and Hawaii while I was recovering from surgery. We fostered cats and adopted a few along the way. And perhaps most oddly, I consider this very stable. I am just as certain that Tia considers me moderately (fully) insane for thinking that.

And now, as I am better than a year into a job (great by my standards) and Tia better than 6 months into her own, we are both contemplating going back to school....after we sell the house of course. Then maybe another move, hopefully not across the country this time (or at least not somewhere so flipping cold). so, perhaps not weird, but certainly unpredictable. God forbid we didn't shake things up for a few months...........not sure how we would survive it.

Feeling by bits and parts better. Still overdoing it and then collapsing into general fatigue. But, at least I can breathe again normally (or what passes for such with my lungs). Small successes. Now what to do next?


GoodNubbin said...

Lunch. You should do lunch next.


AMK said...

There is much I would suggest, but nothing that would be received in the same light that it is sent.

Good luck