Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day

I was talking with co-workers the other day when one remarked that she was looked at weirdly when she wished someone a "Happy Memorial Day!" I think I would have looked at her weirdly too. There is nothing truly happy about the day (remembering those that died for our country), but I am not sure what you say about the day. There are no cards (that I have seen anyway......I am sure they exist as every niche card market has been thoroughly mined...........for god's sake, they are making mother's day cards from your pets now) and nothing but rather solemn parades and flags lowered to half mast.

But, of course, there are SALES! Big big Memorial Day sales! Can you think of a worse tie in than selling merchandise (especially merchandise made in countries like Japan and Germany who were responsible for some many American casualties)? I was trying to think of a worse possible tie-in and was honestly stuck between selling reindeer jerky for Christmas or honoring GW for president's day. Tough call really. Anyway, I just find the whole thing weird..........and not because I am a flag waving patriotic zealot. I just, for the first time, really thought about it instead of just being excited to have the day off. We can truly turn anything into a day to buy stuff. Amazing!

House goes up tomorrow. Lets hope that we get enough traffic to warrant keeping it looking like a model home. The urge to leave dirty clothes in a pile on the floor will be strong. So very very strong. Must make the bed. Ugh!

1 comment:

Tia said...

+1 for sweet husband points for not outing me as the clothes piler ;) I'm already tired of making the bed!