Thursday, May 06, 2010


Today was a sanctioned day off due to recent mental distresses at work. Much needed and much appreciated. There is only so much bureaucratic inanity that anyone can stand, and my limits have clearly been breached. Though, in fairness, I don't take long to saturate. I wish that weren't the case but, perhaps thats what compels me to keep shuffling jobs and to always focus on the next task and the next step, instead of marinating in the present. Clearly at times this is to my detriment as well. I don't often stay long enough to get to another more challenging level. I instead seek it out elsewhere and start from square one again.

I find that once the challenge of acclimating to something new dissipates, you are left with trying to untangle the ball of twine know as policy and my tongue gets looser and looser the more stymied I become in trying to effect even the smallest changes. Trying to wrest control from the micro-managers that seem to extract joy from the most inconsequential of things to them becomes unbearable and I just want to spew forth a volley of vitriol that would be, while momentarily pleasing, a HUGE mistake on my part. So, for now, I will just pack it back down and hope that school (both the chasing of entry and the actual education itself) will provide the escape I so desperately need and want.

Speaking of jobs, I would be remiss were I not to mention a rather disturbing interaction Tia and I had at the bike shop. We were there purchasing what I hope will be our bikes for the next 5 years or so (though not expensive, in fact rather cheap, in the world of bicycles, they do represent the most money I have ever invested in that realm), we got to talking to the two staff members who assisted us. It turns out that one of them had an advanced degree in theology and an undergrad in Physics and the other had earned his law degree two years prior. As they could find nothing in their respective fields of interest, they were working there. Welcome to the recession, where an advanced degree gets you $12/hr and probably a 20% discount. God I hope the economy turns around soon.

Back to cleaning, a more significant challenge than one would assume it to be while hopped up on Antihistamines. The urge to sleep is strong. So strong.

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